The athlete asked can we use fins (speed assisted) for the
final set of 4 x 25m f/s sprints?! In response I said no, as I knew what the
athletes had done the night before, a strong sustained run on a cross country
course, which I coached them for at Fluid Movements squad training 12hours
If I had of said yes, it’s likely with the extra resistance
of the fins under load that some of the athletes would have cramped due to the fatigued
state their calves were in from the run.
It’s very important in a balanced triathlon training program
to manage the weekly load over all sessions. Your coach in my view should have
an awareness of the state of fatigue that you turn up to your session in, and
program the session accordingly. Only a tri coach who coaches you for all
disciplines would intimately know that.
Sessions across week
of a triathlon squad program MUST be complimentary, it’s one sport with 3 disciplines
not 3 separate sports remember…
I have held this view and practised this for the last
20years as a coach, it was instilled into me when I was a coached and it still
rings true today.
My 2cents…
Coach Foz